What is NHT® natural hormone therapy?

NHT natural hormone therapy® is based on research-based studies of the body's natural hormones, also called bio-identical hormones, because they are identical to the hormones produced by the body. The starting point is that if you add to your body what is lacking, then it will start to repair the disorders and diseases that have occurred due to the deficiency. The principle of NHT® is to give what is missing from both natural hormones and supplements. I guide from a hormone test and a health questionnaire that you have completed and returned to me.


The test is analyzed in collaboration with Verisana - a German laboratory - and measures the following hormones, estradiol, estriol, progesterone, cortisol, testosterone and DHEA. We look at what hormones you have too little of and which you may have too many of. Based on that, I make a personal guidance so you can start recovery of your hormone balance.

                How do hormonal imbalances happen?

There can be many different reasons why we get imbalances in our hormones. It can be too little sleep or stress. If we are stressed over a longer period of time, the body will prioritize the stress hormone cortisol and consequently produce less of other important hormones. It can be caused by poor diet and shortages of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Or by using synthetic hormones such as birth control pills and spiral. Or by medicine - including over -the -counter painkillers. In addition, our surroundings are filled with endocrine disruptors that are in our food, furniture, electronics and beauty products. These hormone -disrupting substances act as a foreign estrogen in our body and contribute to imbalances.

NHT® certified:

The NHT® certificate is your guaranty

Choose a NHT® certified therapist when you need research-based guidance on recovery of hormone balance. 

The certificate is issued for one year at a time. It ensures that your therapist follows the principles of a natural hormone therapy, as described here , and keeps up to date with ongoing research and continuing education in accordance with the guidelines from the Center for Natural Hormone Therapy, so that you are guaranteed the best, documented guidance in the field at all times for bioidentical hormones.

In the book "Natural hormone therapy - dealing with the estrogen myth" from 2019 by Jens-Ole Paulin and Anette Paulin, it is reviewed how a large number of diseases are caused by hormonal imbalances as well as the research that exists around bioidentical hormones. The book refers to more than 400 research studies.